eunetOctober 16, 2019 at 10:56 am #1483
Many initiatives concern “sensitive topics with young refugees” (physical, psychological and social). The challenge is not to re-invent wheels, but connect successful initiatives and learn from each other to better integrate them in youth work.
This seminar/study visit would be organised by NA Belgium-FR in collaboration with NA Belgium-FL. Up to 25 youth workers from the different involved countries will be able to exchange good practices/tools/methods used on a local level, learn from identified successful projects and each other’s experiences and bring back inspiration and new ideas for successful local projects back home that will benefit their daily work with young refugees. This pathway allows the study visit to fully focus on sharing concrete good practices, getting inspiration and creating new ideas on how youth work can concretely contribute to tackle the issue of sensitive topics with refugees.
This seminar will consist in two parts: one dedicated to the exchange of tools, practices, methods in dealing with physical, psychological and social problems. The second part will consist in visiting organisations working on the integration of young refugees and using some tools and practices regarding this topic.
Aim of the Seminar/Study visit:
This seminar is aimed at empowering youth workers working or motivated to work with young refugees, newly arrived young migrants and asylum seekers to tackle sensitive issues (physical, psychological and social problems).Objectives:
– To reflect on how youth work at the local level can help young refugees affected by these sensitive issues;
– Present tools to youth workers to facilitate their work with young refugees affected by these issues;
– To exchange good practices (projects, methods and activities) of youth work;
– To explore local good practices of Belgian youth/civil society organisations in how to tackle these issues;
– To get inspired and create own tools/ideas for the integration of refugees;
– To explore how Erasmus+ can be used as a tool regarding this topic;
– Transfer tool and practices from other organisations.Target group: up to 25 participants.
– Youth worker, social worker or experience expert connected to a youth organisation, youth care institution, … working with or motivated to work directly with young refugees, newly arrived young migrants and/or asylum seekers
– Willing to share your challenges and good practices with other organisations
– Motivated and able to implement new (international) projects in your local organisation for the integration of young refugees
– Experience with the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme is not requiredApply here until 14 January 2020!!
https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/seminar-study-visit-sensitive-topics-in-working-with-young-refugees.8372/ -