Greentour: “Green Entrepreneurship through Sustainable Eco-Tourism”
In the current climate crisis, and with the COVId-19 pandemic inspiring many people to take advantage of the opportunity to travel and see the world, the importance of more sustainable and eco-friendly options in the sector of tourism are clear. Not just in Europe, but worldwide, young people are enjoying the opportunity to travel to see diverse cultures, or even experience their own countries from a different perspective, but when travelling and living life to the max, it is very easy to not take into account important points such as the sustainability of your activities, or even opportunities to start their own green entrepreneurship.
With this in mind, Greentour: “Green Entrepreneurship through Sustainable Eco-Tourism”, a 2-year Erasmus+ Project in the field of Youth formed by an international partnership representing 5 EU countries (France, Spain, Italy, Greece and the Netherlands), was created with the aim of raising awareness and promoting sustainable eco-tourism, both as an alternative to traditional tourism, and as a viable and high potential option for green enterprise in young people, especially in rural and semi-rural areas perfect for this kind of tourism.
What will GreenTour do?
During the 2 years of the project’s duration and beyond, GreenTour will develop a diverse array of content aimed to promote and raise awareness on sustainable eco-tourism and green entrepreneurship through young people and youth workers. The developed content, that will be available completely free to all in all partner languages (EN/FR/ES/IT/EL/NL), will be:
- GreenTour Competence Framework: A compiled report with information gathered through research and online surveys to young people and green experts, containing a Competence Framework developed from 6 key skills and capabilities regarding Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Eco-Tourism.
- GreenTour’s Online Course: A cutting-edge e-learning experience created through the 6 competences selected in the project’s Competence Framework and further developed into an engaging online educational experience for young people and Youth Workers in Europe and around the world.
- GreenTour Handbook: A Handbook containing summarized information on all methodologies and content developed through the project, as well as a toolbox of useful resources and tools in the field of eco-tourism and Green Entrepreneurship designed to be helpful to Youth Workers and Young People alike.
- GreenTour Youth Exchange in Guadeloupe: During the project, a group of youth workers and young people will travel to the beautiful overseas territory of Guadeloupe to take in the green experience, and learn together through participating in non-formal learning experiences and enjoying the natural habitat.
Through these activities, GreenTour aims to become a new benchmark in sustainability education for young people by tackling the climate crisis through a different perspective, as well as offering young people in rural and semi-rural areas the resources and tools necessary to create their own green enterprise through sustainable eco-tourism.
If you’re interesting in checking out the project and learning more about green enterprise and eco-tourism, take a look at the project’s website at and the projects social media!
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2022-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000097173